Saturday, December 12, 2009

Highlights of Last Week

Okay, I said there was nothing else for the rest of the year, but I had a few moments. Yes, I should be down on the eliptical. But, I can't make myself do it. This past week we had Keldon for 2 afternoons, went to the Craft Bazaar, did a Christmas craft and caught up on house cleaning from the last 3 weeks while I covered the nursery at church. We had a group of hunters come in for Pheasant Season and spent an evening with them. We even got to go to dinner with Aunt Cat, Kyky & Garrard (haven't done that in a long time). We are trying to decide what to do for Christmas, if anything.
Which brings a subject I have been pondering on. As I am trying to decide what I want my children to learn and what if not important, I have really had some feeling about holidays come up.
I so often get weird looks when I don't feel that it is a big deal if our family(ies) get together on the legal day of a holiday. Do we really need a specific day to get with family?
Santa...oh a hard one. I have been asking friends who gets the glory at Christmas. Santa, parents or Jesus. When it comes to gifts...Santa. Why does he get to give the most exciting, most wanted, most expensive gifts? So backwards. I feel this distorts children's thinking on so many subjects (money, respect, behavior) So we have decided that only one gift will be from Santa, and it will not be the expensive one. I want to begin to grow a Christmas Legacy about the real reason we celebrate this holiday. And a fictisous(sp) character is not getting a spot in it. The only reason we have decided to do any gifts from Santa is so that when other children ask if Santa came and what they got, they can truthfully say that they got something with a "From Santa" on the package.
Well, that should be enough for today. I am thanking the Lord for the double stroller I used this morning at the Bazaar. Kids did not want to be there, so the stroller was great for purchases. I have also never got thru that thing as fast as I did. Will try again next year.
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells! Jingle all the way! This is Kaylor's new favorite song. Learned it from Boz the Green Bear.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Catching Up!

Well the kids got to go see there favorite show LIVE! Seasame Street, Elmo Grows Up at the Civic Center in Amarillo. We even got daddy to go. The kids sat in awe through most of it. Hudson finally crashed and slept through the last 30 minutes. We had to spend the extra $$ and get the Elmo toy that the seat vendor was selling. A huge hit, still playing with it. I, myself, really enjoyed the show. Definitely something that will be repeated.

I took this picture today, December 5th, to show how much my baby has grown. In the last year we have STRUGGLED to get the potty training part of life complete. And I do say STRUGGLED. She didn't care if she was wet, just leave me in a diaper to enjoy life. Well, the light clicked 2 days ago. I had finally given up and didn't care if she was 12 when we got it accomplished. (OK, 9 would have been my top age) Kaylor has been doing great and only wears a diaper during nap and bedtime. She prefers commando, but I have explained that we have to wear panties. Hopefully a few family and friends doesn't chime in on this subject. :) So in the picture Kaylor does not have the diaper hiney. The white poking out of her pants are her BIG GIRL PANTIES!!!! Yeah!
This is however a great lesson in God's timing. I wanted her done when I wanted her done. She had to do this for herself. When I decided to back off and chill out, she decided that it was time. Oh control! I have had to give up so much of it lately. And I look at it now and realize that I have survived.
I have been reading Ecclesiastes to verify that control is not mine to have and joy in what God has given is in order. I love the NLT for 3:22 "No one will bring us back from death to enjoy life after we die." Man that hurt me. Poke. Poke. Jab. Jab.

Finally, our family picture from Thanksgiving Day at Papa and Grandma's. Finally got the kids to smile and Ashley sour. This is it for the year. No Christmas cards. Will do a picture in the Spring.
Be blessed and remember the true reason for the season.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fall Is In The Air

Fall has arrived and then will leave for a day or two and then return again. We went to the Meyer's Pumpkin Patch and chose our favorites. The kids, along with our bestest friend Keldon, had a blast seeing all the pumpkins. But, the really loved riding and climbing on the Ranger ATV. I had to think back to last year when it was 30 degrees and the wind was blowing 20 miles per hour and the kids were bundled up and miserable. This year, almost to the day, they only wore pants so that they didn't scratch thier legs. It was 75-80 degrees, the wind was even warmer. They did enjoy it a bit more this time around. Then 2 weeks later, we are playing in the leaves at Grandma and Papa's house with a chill in the air. I always used to love fall, however that has changed. Now, I have 2 toddlers who want to be outside and you bundle them warm in the morning and by the end of the day, they are down to the lightest layer they can go. And since the wind blows here all the time, I can't get them outside without heavy coat and they get to wobble around and try to play. But is still the most beautiful time of the year. Harvest has been good and Ashley is ready to be done after the rain delay this last week. HAPPY FALL Y'ALL!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

My Little Helpers

I have 2 very helpful babies. Both have thier favorite things to help with. Hudson loves to vaccum, clean the toilets and clean up toys. He is loved at the church nursery because he helps pick up when church is over. Kaylor likes to wipe things with baby wipes, clean the mirror with her toothbrush (toothpaste is not a good glass cleaner) and help with laundry. They love to close the dryer door as I am loading clothes in. They thought the should check it out for proper maintainance.

Hudson has gotten very good at bringing pairs of shoes to us for putting on. This was his 2nd pair for daddy. The first pair were my sequined flip flops.
And lastly, they love to help each other. Get into trouble that is. They both know that only the baby dolls go in the stroller, but I had to grin and get a shot of Kalyor's first attemp at push her baby brother, who weighs 3lbs. more. She had her John Deere boots on, and I know that helped give her some deere power.
We went on a short vacation to Tyler this past weekend and met Ashley's aunts and uncles on his dad's side. They loved having babies around. And my 2 were the only kids for 90% of the stay. Their favorite past time was riding on everyone's canes (Horsies) Kids traveled great and that does not mean I want to do it again before the end of the year. OH, it is so exhausting keeping tabs on them in a new house. Caught them in one of the bedrooms, (where the toys were) in Uncle Bill's suitcase, going through and shaking all his pill/rx containers. Made it home last night at midnight and began again bright and early.
Praise the LORD for the safe trips.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall Has Arrived!

It is here. The cold, wind and wet. What do I do with two young children when we can't go outside 3 times a day as we had been for the last 5 months? Luckily, I have a very smart friend, Amy. She called me up last month and asked if I would like to go in with her on ordering craft projects for the kids to complete. And oh what a blessing it is. We have completed two projects so far, and the kids have loved it. We hang them on the refrigerator and they love to show everyone who comes over what they did. As I was cleaning out for my garage sale, I came across the play dough goodie bag from Aunt Nickie. We already love play dough, but a different choice is always welcome. That has gotten me through 3 of the last 7 days. I was so desperate for things to do with them inside, I volunteered for the work day at church when it was mentioned that the kids would be enjoying the bouncers and full run of the children's sanctuary. They slept well that night. Well, praise the Lord, it is supposed to warm up and we can revisit our friend the swingset for the next few days. I haven't told Ashley yet, but his room will be turning into the winter playground. Moving in the small tyke playset and after Christmas there will be a jump-o-lene. He tried to sell me on this addition by calling it a "family room", well HELLO FAMILY!!! I don't think he will mind when I am a lot happier during the cold months.

Other than that, we are still working on potty training. Some days are good and some days are not. One tinkle at a time.

Daddy has started harvest. This keeps our time with him short. We have been taking him lunch and dinner, to stretch our quality time. Kids took turns one day on the combine. Had to pry them out of there. They love farming. It has now become Hudson's combine "My combine, my combine" and Kaylor's corn. And this is not just ours, any corn or combine that is seen has become their property. Ashley is happy and hopes that they keep the love. About 8 years to go and he can retire and let them handle it.

Till the leaves have fallen from the trees. Stay warm and enjoy the warmth that we receive.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Arrival

Well, daddy has been home for 5 days now.
Kids still bawl and scream when he gets near the door and lets the tears flow when he goes through the door.
He was rather busy when he got home, as to be expected when you are gone for 16 days. First 2 days busy with Grandaddy Alan's antique corn picker...getting a spot of corn ready for it to debut it's 2nd first job. That was neat to see and the kids love anything that has to do with corn.

As a surprise all, I picked Ashley's sister Janda up from the airport on Wednesday and SURPRISED Judi especially. Kaylor and Hudson thought Aunt Janda was pretty fun and she even kept them one evening.

Everybody headed home Sunday and now we are alone and getting back on track. Both kids slept in their beds all night last night. That hasn't happened since daddy left. I prepared 5 casseroles this morning while the kids played and we enjoyed the beautiful warm enough weather before nap. I have always been a stickler about organization and schedules, so I feel better as well today.

I read a few chapters in Jeremiah about false prophets and the bleak future of Judah if they don't turn from evil and follow God.
The entire book of Jeremiah reminds of present day. Worshiping everything but what we aresupposed to. Taking the hard road alone, instead of leaning on God and taking each step with the faith that the next one will be there.
My commentary mentioned in Chapter 23 "As you share God's Word with friends and neighbors, they will look to its effectiveness in your life. Unless it has changed you, why should they let it change them? If you preach it, make sure you LIVE it!" Well if that doesn't give me something else to work on. I will admit, I am guilty of not living some of things I have told others. So my new job to work on.
I had the opportunity this past week to be with an unbeliever and I now really wonder if she thougt my life reflected what she has heard from so many around to believe. I can now see why she may still be on the fence about it.

Oh Lord, help me to reflect you in my life in all I say and do. AMEN!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nap Time

Well, I have seen it all. Today, not only did my son sleep all night (IN HIS BED), he decided to put himself down for a nap. He ventured into his room and I assumed he was playing with his tractors. I heard no noise so I went to inspect. And to my pleasure, I found him in his bed.

On the other hand, Kaylor fights it all the way. She doesn't normally take morning naps, but woke up rather early this morning. She has been whining for the last 30 minutes and refuses to go down. She has never been a fan of naps or bedtime for that matter. As seen in the picture, I gave her all her vices, her "blankelette" & cup. But no luck. Still whining and still awake.
Can't wait for daddy to get home. They got to talk to him yesterday and we have 5 more of the 14 days left. They went through upset days 5-y but we are doing good now. Sadly, once he gets home he will get busy with harvest and they still won't see him much for the next month.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Keeping Busy

The kids and I attended our first football game, that they will remember, this past Friday. I needed to give them something to take their minds off asking for their daddy. He was on a trip with his dad and brother to Alaska. This was day 3 of 14. We all put on our purple and gold(yellow), and headed out for the Homecoming pre-game festivities.

The liked the blow ups that the players run through. We played the Bobcats and thier's was a large bobcat. "Kitty!!! Kitty!!!"

Hudson wanted to see the ball and loved when they practiced in front of us.

Looking in the stands to see who is making all the noise with the cow bell.

Hudson at the Crosby's before the game. He is wearing his dad's shirt that he wore to see his big brother, Jeff's games. It says "Spud" on the chest. This was Ashley's nickname given to him by his brother. Excuse the slobber, we are cutting eye teeth.

Hudson didn't watch much of the game once he realized that there were older "women" on the front row.

Kaylor, Kenzie, Kade & Hudson watching the festivities.
Hudson was brave enough to give a high five to the Wolf mascot. Kaylor wanted to, but couldn't make herself do it.
We made it to the 3rd quarter and Kaylor decided she wanted to go bye bye. Stopped to see Papa & Grandma Judi, who had been gone 2 weeks, on the way home and change to our pjs. Asleep before we got home.
Very enjoyable, except that I couldn't give you one stat about the game. Listened, on the way home, to the last 3 minutes on the radio. Know that we lost 14-15. Will let dad take them next time and I will watch the game. Do have to say that they behaved great and I was very proud to say they were mine. Especially to all the girls that Hudson was flirting with. "He is so cute!!" I should have gotten phone numbers for baby sitting needs. Will remember pen & paper next week.
Be blessed!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Full of Surprises

As every mother has experienced, you just never know. Today I got two surprises that brightened my day. This afternoon after we strollered to the mailbox, I had to get a few things from the shop. I let the kids out of the stroller and they walked over with me. We fed Piglet, our pot-bellied pig, some gold fish crackers and popcorn, I got the extension cord from the open shop and headed to the deep freeze for a few items. I called the kids to come with me. However, my son who has the hearing of his father (selective), did not obey and stayed with Piglet. I got what I needed and rounded the corner prepared to discipline my son. But, it didn't happen. There he was in the freshly filled dog, pig, chicken water barrel; splashing away fully dressed including his shoes and smiling as big as the barrel opening. So sweet! What could I do....I told Kaylor she could get in also. I ran to the house and got the camera. So all can see the joy a little water can make.

Then, tonight at supper Kaylor gave a great one. We had finished our dinner of fish, seasoned potatoes, applesauce and broccoli, when I asked if they were ready for a little dessert. I gave Hudson his piece of rice crispie treat and turned to give Kaylor her's. She said "No mommy, more broccoli." Oh what a heart warming. So I gave her all the broccoli that was left and I took her portion of rice crispie treat. I thought that sacrifice was due to show her how much I loved her. I could have eaten the broccoli instead, and forced her to eat the dessert.

So never give up on the miracles that God can provide. When you think there is no chance, they may ask for broccoli instead of dessert. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hats Off!!

I have to give myself a pat on the back....I am doing good about posting to this blog. I can only hope that you are enjoying it. This week my son has been in a hat mood. Can't get him to wear a baseball cap, but he has been creative in finding things that will work as well. For those of you who may wonder...yes, my son does own clothes. It never fails that my picture taking time is after we have been outside and I have had to strip the kids down and wash clothes. Why waste my time on another outfit that I will have to wash if we have nothing else to do. So if you, like the UPS & FedEx man, don't call before making a journey out here, you may see my kids in not much. AAAHHHHHH, to be a kid again. FYI: Hudson is 18 months old, but I have to say that he acts at least 2 years old due to his sister being such a great teacher.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Friendship & Faith

We had old friends over for supper last night and of course I don't keep my camera handy to get pictures of all the kids playing.

Anyhow, it is always funny and divine how God puts things together in our lives. It was mentioned at church yesterday in the sermon how our pastor's father is healthier than many (even though he eats horrible) because of his relationship(friendship) with Christ. Then, on a friend's blog, she mentions how much friendship can help the soul. I so totally agree. I am very bad about not taking advantage of the friendships that I have been blessed with, because I get caught up in daily home life. Sometimes God has to slap me in the face with a multitude of reminders. So I am going to attempt to be a better user of my friends. Oh, I shake at the thought of the effort that entails. But, we are equipped with what we need to do these things.

It has also been placed on my heart to work on growing my faith. Another subject where I have received a few slaps in the face. Therefore, my study has been concentrated on that. If you have anything good on the subject, please respond.
Hebrews 11:6 It is impossible to please God without faith. (NLT) IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE. I better light the fire under that subject. I can only think that I never wanted to displease my earthly father, and definitely don't want to displease my heavenly Father.

More for the thought closet!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Haircuts & Tatoos

Kaylor loves to color, and had decided that surely you can color on things other than the paper mom gives me. I caught her a few days ago coloring on the wall. Then yesterday she was coloring on the dresser. Can we thank the Lord for mr. clean sponges?!? She sat quietly in the kitchen with her Color Wonder and I thought nothing of it until she was quiet too long. She had snuck in mommy's drawer and got a pen. I took that away and then 10 minutes later, she had gotten a marker out of her drawer (so this one is mommy's fault) and continued on. She thought she was pretty. Had to get a picture to show her later. I can't blame her too much, I love art and you never know what is going to be popular. I guess she thinks it is okay to write on leg since mommy did and it never goes away. Oh what was I thinking at 18.

Before below and after above.

We took a trip to Marmee's Cool & Free Cuts today. Kaylor & Hudson both got the cut special. Kaylor sat still as long as she could look at her self in the mirror. Hudson was a little wiggly so we stopped before he lost an ear. Daddy didn't quite get his way on Hudson, I got her to leave the top longer. And I will admit, he does look even more handsome than before.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thought Closet

Had dinner last night with some old & new friends and a great talk about our thought closets. Thought my thought closet was pretty clean till they made my thoughts come up. My thoughts were thoughtfully wrong. Then I got home and thought some more...
We talked about our coffee drinking habits and sugar eating habits, both of which I have an addiction to. So this morning I am without coffee and only 3 cinnamon goldfish crackers. Also eating my one and a half cup of blueberries to combat belly fat. Oh how I hope that one works. I may take my green tea pill today for the caffine and more belly fat combat.
Onward with the day. It may be short without my friend the 12 cup coffee maker being quiet today.
Pray for my kids!!!! and probably more my husband!!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Our First Motorhome Trip

This past weekend we took our first motorhome trip with Doodad and Marmee to Panderie, New Mexico. It is pronounced Panderay and is 11/2 hours from Taos one way and Sante Fe the other. 3 hours from Dalhart, and not a lot of windy mountains roads. My kind of place. We thought it was great fun to travel that way.
Our highlight was a trip to the Victory Ranch in Mora, New Mexico. They raise 230 alpacas and have 50 llamas. We got to feed them and Kaylor was all about that. No fear. Tica, short for Lunatica, picked Kaylor as her favorite and the feeling was mutual. She played horses today and her's was named Tica. Tried to get Ashley to buy her. Maybe for Christmas.
After playing hard all day, the kids slept like rocks each night. The other adults played golf on Saturday and Sunday. Not a sport we have taken up yet. But, if we plan to travel with my parents anymore, we better learn. I, with Kaylor, got to do some light shopping in Las Vegas (New Mexico, but I can now say that I have been to Vegas). The nicest people at each store. Those of you who know me will be proud that I didn't hit the Wal-mart across the street.
Panderie was pretty, as is any place with trees, and the RV park we stayed at was quiet and nice. Well it was quiet when out kids were sleeping. The kids made new friends with MadiMitchell (Madi & Mitchell). Kaylor had daily lessons from Madi to learn math and writing. We can't thank our host parents and grandparents enought for a great weekend.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A new endeavor

Let's start this post with a praise. As I was awoken from my slumber this morning to get my son, who was just about to scale the top of his crib, I decided I wasn't even fighting it and took to my bed. Only to see my bedside clock and rejoice, it was 5:30 not 2:00. He laid down with us and slept to 7:30. THANK YOU JESUS!!
Today we started keeping our little friend Keldon. He will be with us 3 mornings a week. Yes, we have our little tiffs, but for the most part these 3 are buddies. Should be an exciting school year. Keldon & Kaylor
Hudson & Keldon, I may only be 2 months older, but let me tell you
what this is.

Hudson, Kaylor & Keldon

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hudson's New Trick

For my memory. Hudson has decided that it is fun to get up anywhere between 2 and 4 am and stay up and cry till mommy let's him get in bed with her. Last night I laid on his floor with him, he would be asleep and as soon as I got up, the screaming/crying began. At 3 am I decided enough was enough. I put him in his crib to cry it out. Well at 3:20 he was still crying andI went to check on a noise I heard only to find him out of his crib. Please know his crib is as low as it will go. So we now get to deal with the toddler bed and making him stay in it. I am opting for a full bed so I can sleep with him in comfort on these fun nights. Say a prayer for me tonight that it will be a full one of good sleep. And I know that this too will pass.

VBS Week

Began our 3 day vbs at church today. Heart Ablaze is the theme, meaning that when God puts something on our hearts that we are to do and obey. I am working the kitchen this year. Cooking for 100+ people. Smooth today. Kids sure had some great fun. Ashley is in charge of helping build a water table. He told me tonight that it is going to be rather interesting. Unfortunately, I don't get to go to Amarillo's Jump n Jive with the 70 kids on Wednesday. Darn! :) Have a blessed week!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

On, Saturday, August 1, we participated in our first "Little Britches" rodeo. Hudson decided he wanted nothing to do with it but watch the tractor that plowed the arena. Kaylor did the goat tying. She had to ride her stick horse up to the very tame goat and pull the ribbon off his tail and ride back. Took her sweet time, but she got it done. We attend the XIT Rodeo on Thursday night and the kids actually watched some of it. Hit the parade on Saturday, August 8th and completed our 73rd XIT with the BBQ that afternoon. Yeehaw till next year.

The beginning of something else to keep up with

OK! I did it. I started a blog. I want something that people can save to favorites and check for themselves. I am not good at sending pictures and updates on the kids and life at Charity Stables. So this is what I am going to try now. So don't check it each day, but hopefully every week will bring somethign new. Love to all and more to come (at naptime).