The liked the blow ups that the players run through. We played the Bobcats and thier's was a large bobcat. "Kitty!!! Kitty!!!"
Hudson wanted to see the ball and loved when they practiced in front of us.
Looking in the stands to see who is making all the noise with the cow bell.
Hudson at the Crosby's before the game. He is wearing his dad's shirt that he wore to see his big brother, Jeff's games. It says "Spud" on the chest. This was Ashley's nickname given to him by his brother. Excuse the slobber, we are cutting eye teeth.
Hudson didn't watch much of the game once he realized that there were older "women" on the front row.
Kaylor, Kenzie, Kade & Hudson watching the festivities.
Hudson was brave enough to give a high five to the Wolf mascot. Kaylor wanted to, but couldn't make herself do it.
We made it to the 3rd quarter and Kaylor decided she wanted to go bye bye. Stopped to see Papa & Grandma Judi, who had been gone 2 weeks, on the way home and change to our pjs. Asleep before we got home.
Very enjoyable, except that I couldn't give you one stat about the game. Listened, on the way home, to the last 3 minutes on the radio. Know that we lost 14-15. Will let dad take them next time and I will watch the game. Do have to say that they behaved great and I was very proud to say they were mine. Especially to all the girls that Hudson was flirting with. "He is so cute!!" I should have gotten phone numbers for baby sitting needs. Will remember pen & paper next week.
Be blessed!
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