Monday, September 28, 2009

The Arrival

Well, daddy has been home for 5 days now.
Kids still bawl and scream when he gets near the door and lets the tears flow when he goes through the door.
He was rather busy when he got home, as to be expected when you are gone for 16 days. First 2 days busy with Grandaddy Alan's antique corn picker...getting a spot of corn ready for it to debut it's 2nd first job. That was neat to see and the kids love anything that has to do with corn.

As a surprise all, I picked Ashley's sister Janda up from the airport on Wednesday and SURPRISED Judi especially. Kaylor and Hudson thought Aunt Janda was pretty fun and she even kept them one evening.

Everybody headed home Sunday and now we are alone and getting back on track. Both kids slept in their beds all night last night. That hasn't happened since daddy left. I prepared 5 casseroles this morning while the kids played and we enjoyed the beautiful warm enough weather before nap. I have always been a stickler about organization and schedules, so I feel better as well today.

I read a few chapters in Jeremiah about false prophets and the bleak future of Judah if they don't turn from evil and follow God.
The entire book of Jeremiah reminds of present day. Worshiping everything but what we aresupposed to. Taking the hard road alone, instead of leaning on God and taking each step with the faith that the next one will be there.
My commentary mentioned in Chapter 23 "As you share God's Word with friends and neighbors, they will look to its effectiveness in your life. Unless it has changed you, why should they let it change them? If you preach it, make sure you LIVE it!" Well if that doesn't give me something else to work on. I will admit, I am guilty of not living some of things I have told others. So my new job to work on.
I had the opportunity this past week to be with an unbeliever and I now really wonder if she thougt my life reflected what she has heard from so many around to believe. I can now see why she may still be on the fence about it.

Oh Lord, help me to reflect you in my life in all I say and do. AMEN!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nap Time

Well, I have seen it all. Today, not only did my son sleep all night (IN HIS BED), he decided to put himself down for a nap. He ventured into his room and I assumed he was playing with his tractors. I heard no noise so I went to inspect. And to my pleasure, I found him in his bed.

On the other hand, Kaylor fights it all the way. She doesn't normally take morning naps, but woke up rather early this morning. She has been whining for the last 30 minutes and refuses to go down. She has never been a fan of naps or bedtime for that matter. As seen in the picture, I gave her all her vices, her "blankelette" & cup. But no luck. Still whining and still awake.
Can't wait for daddy to get home. They got to talk to him yesterday and we have 5 more of the 14 days left. They went through upset days 5-y but we are doing good now. Sadly, once he gets home he will get busy with harvest and they still won't see him much for the next month.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Keeping Busy

The kids and I attended our first football game, that they will remember, this past Friday. I needed to give them something to take their minds off asking for their daddy. He was on a trip with his dad and brother to Alaska. This was day 3 of 14. We all put on our purple and gold(yellow), and headed out for the Homecoming pre-game festivities.

The liked the blow ups that the players run through. We played the Bobcats and thier's was a large bobcat. "Kitty!!! Kitty!!!"

Hudson wanted to see the ball and loved when they practiced in front of us.

Looking in the stands to see who is making all the noise with the cow bell.

Hudson at the Crosby's before the game. He is wearing his dad's shirt that he wore to see his big brother, Jeff's games. It says "Spud" on the chest. This was Ashley's nickname given to him by his brother. Excuse the slobber, we are cutting eye teeth.

Hudson didn't watch much of the game once he realized that there were older "women" on the front row.

Kaylor, Kenzie, Kade & Hudson watching the festivities.
Hudson was brave enough to give a high five to the Wolf mascot. Kaylor wanted to, but couldn't make herself do it.
We made it to the 3rd quarter and Kaylor decided she wanted to go bye bye. Stopped to see Papa & Grandma Judi, who had been gone 2 weeks, on the way home and change to our pjs. Asleep before we got home.
Very enjoyable, except that I couldn't give you one stat about the game. Listened, on the way home, to the last 3 minutes on the radio. Know that we lost 14-15. Will let dad take them next time and I will watch the game. Do have to say that they behaved great and I was very proud to say they were mine. Especially to all the girls that Hudson was flirting with. "He is so cute!!" I should have gotten phone numbers for baby sitting needs. Will remember pen & paper next week.
Be blessed!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Full of Surprises

As every mother has experienced, you just never know. Today I got two surprises that brightened my day. This afternoon after we strollered to the mailbox, I had to get a few things from the shop. I let the kids out of the stroller and they walked over with me. We fed Piglet, our pot-bellied pig, some gold fish crackers and popcorn, I got the extension cord from the open shop and headed to the deep freeze for a few items. I called the kids to come with me. However, my son who has the hearing of his father (selective), did not obey and stayed with Piglet. I got what I needed and rounded the corner prepared to discipline my son. But, it didn't happen. There he was in the freshly filled dog, pig, chicken water barrel; splashing away fully dressed including his shoes and smiling as big as the barrel opening. So sweet! What could I do....I told Kaylor she could get in also. I ran to the house and got the camera. So all can see the joy a little water can make.

Then, tonight at supper Kaylor gave a great one. We had finished our dinner of fish, seasoned potatoes, applesauce and broccoli, when I asked if they were ready for a little dessert. I gave Hudson his piece of rice crispie treat and turned to give Kaylor her's. She said "No mommy, more broccoli." Oh what a heart warming. So I gave her all the broccoli that was left and I took her portion of rice crispie treat. I thought that sacrifice was due to show her how much I loved her. I could have eaten the broccoli instead, and forced her to eat the dessert.

So never give up on the miracles that God can provide. When you think there is no chance, they may ask for broccoli instead of dessert. PRAISE GOD!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hats Off!!

I have to give myself a pat on the back....I am doing good about posting to this blog. I can only hope that you are enjoying it. This week my son has been in a hat mood. Can't get him to wear a baseball cap, but he has been creative in finding things that will work as well. For those of you who may wonder...yes, my son does own clothes. It never fails that my picture taking time is after we have been outside and I have had to strip the kids down and wash clothes. Why waste my time on another outfit that I will have to wash if we have nothing else to do. So if you, like the UPS & FedEx man, don't call before making a journey out here, you may see my kids in not much. AAAHHHHHH, to be a kid again. FYI: Hudson is 18 months old, but I have to say that he acts at least 2 years old due to his sister being such a great teacher.