Friday, March 25, 2011

Hudson's 3rd Birthday(s)

Call me a horrible mom, but I didn't have the want to throw a big birthday party for my baby's 3rd birthday. So he got to have a week of birthdays. We had a birthday lunch on the Sunday before with our "Sunday Lunch" pals. It was complete with a United cake and a candle of the wrong number. I can't find the "3" so we opted for the "2". Hudson didn't know or care about the difference. On his birthday, all he wanted was his friend Keldon to come out and ride his donkey. I didn't post pictures of the ride, that will be it's own post. So that is what happened and all three kids helped open his gifts and play with those for a bit after supper. Hudson, Kaylor and Keldon deciding how 2 trucks will be split between 3 kids.
"Whoa! Hudson, that is so cool!"

How made from scratch (wink, wink) cake with the wrong candle.

Can you believe he is this big and so handsome in is Sunday best to eat red icing in.

Then to end his week, he got to have cupcakes at Miss Sanchez's house on wednesday with his friends, Jeshua, Israel, Anaiah and Judah. How will I top that for next year. It will have to be BIG!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

There's Snow time like time with Snow

My kids love the snow. First sign of flake
and the boots are on and they stand at the door begging.

We have had a few great chances to get out in the white stuff and enjoy ourselves.
Kaylor loves to make snow angels. I don't have a picture of the one she made on the patio in last weeks -20 degree weather of a snow angel that is more dirt than snow.
She didn't care it was beautiful. But, the picture posted is a great one of the event on another day.

Hudson tries to be angelic, but likes to destroy what Kaylor makes more than create.

AJ had hunters in and Hudson was so excited to see the Pheasant come home dead and pull feathers. Kaylor was pure girl and thought that was gross. We did get her to hold a feather and that was as close as she got to them. Give her daddy some time and he will have her toting her own pink rifle and becoming Annie Oakley.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Loving the Unlovely

Oh my, how my heart has hurt this week. But, oh how excited I am that the Lord has made something like the events of the week turn into a lesson of His LOVE. People, we have to stand up and stop saying we are Christians and then brush things (people, situations, etc.) aside because they are not what we want to deal with.

I am blessed to have a circle of "lovely" friends and family, but man can we do some unlovely things to those we don't think fit in our circle. MYSELF INCLUDED. I would bend over backwards for any of my friends, but would I do the same for someone not in my circle of trust? I have had to really look inside for that answer. Can I be honest, the answer was "NO" for many who the Lord placed in my path.

I am ashamed. And I want to do better. The Lord was gracious enough to put a person in my life that was "unlovely" to me for many years. And through the gritting of my teeth, I allowed that person to work their way into my life. What lessons I have learned. What a friendship I have gained. What great amount of God's love have I experienced.

So people, let's get off our high horse and get to the ground where the hurting people who need Him are. You may want to bring a pair of gloves with you, whether they be rubber gloves or boxing gloves. Get them dirty and and then gasp at the beauty that comes from it. And give the Praise to our Father, who loves us no matter what we do.

Dear Lord, Please hold me to the higher standard set by you. When I feel to good for one of your beautifully made children, please pull me back down. Help me to see those that need You and provide me with the gloves that I need to get in the dirt. I thank You for all the people who have put in my life who were willing to get dirty for my soul. Amen.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Single Verbal Follower

3 months since the last post. And then today someone told me I need to post another. I didn't know anyone else looked at this site. So I am dedicating this post to that follower.

In fact, I am going to write about her...
This person, who made me smile when I got to see her today, is a person that I would love to get to know more. She is a person that until you get into her circle of trust, is very elusive. Each time I get to be in her presence, I learn something else about her and she opens a bit more.

I love that she is a lot like myself and is guarded. Not openly, here is my life and everything that is going on in it. She has very few close friends, who I know she would do anything for.

She loves her family and is a dedicated wife. She sacrifices so much to preserve the things of her family. She is a great mother, who strives to raise her children in the ways of God and having a strong faith in all things of Him.

I am honored to know her and her family and look forward to getting more into her circle of trust.

I pray many blessings upon her and her family.