It is here. The cold, wind and wet. What do I do with two young children when we can't go outside 3 times a day as we had been for the last 5 months? Luckily, I have a very smart friend, Amy. She called me up last month and asked if I would like to go in with her on ordering craft projects for the kids to complete. And oh what a blessing it is. We have completed two projects so far, and the kids have loved it. We hang them on the refrigerator and they love to show everyone who comes over what they did. As I was cleaning out for my garage sale, I came across the play dough goodie bag from Aunt Nickie. We already love play dough, but a different choice is always welcome. That has gotten me through 3 of the last 7 days. I was so desperate for things to do with them inside, I volunteered for the work day at church when it was mentioned that the kids would be enjoying the bouncers and full run of the children's sanctuary. They slept well that night. Well, praise the Lord, it is supposed to warm up and we can revisit our friend the swingset for the next few days. I haven't told Ashley yet, but his room will be turning into the winter playground. Moving in the small tyke playset and after Christmas there will be a jump-o-lene. He tried to sell me on this addition by calling it a "family room", well HELLO FAMILY!!! I don't think he will mind when I am a lot happier during the cold months.
Other than that, we are still working on potty training. Some days are good and some days are not. One tinkle at a time.
Daddy has started harvest. This keeps our time with him short. We have been taking him lunch and dinner, to stretch our quality time. Kids took turns one day on the combine. Had to pry them out of there. They love farming. It has now become Hudson's combine "My combine, my combine" and Kaylor's corn. And this is not just ours, any corn or combine that is seen has become their property. Ashley is happy and hopes that they keep the love. About 8 years to go and he can retire and let them handle it.
Till the leaves have fallen from the trees. Stay warm and enjoy the warmth that we receive.